Highest and Best Use City of Banjarmasin

Highest and Best Use Banjarmasin City, JULIZAR INDONESIAN CONSULTANT will carry out the analysis of land use optimization (Highest and Best Use) carefully and professionally.

Old Martapura Harbor located on Jalan RE Martadinata, Telawang, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan, with an area of 42,662 m2 ;

The results of this work are expected to produce an implementable roadmap by taking into account the highest potential for economic and social benefits, having business opportunities that are favored by investors (other sources of funds), and can be implemented immediately. PT. JULIZAR KONSULTAN INDONESIA has the experience, competence and network that can assist employers in realizing the implementation of the roadmap.

As the exclusive consultant for the work, the Employer (PERSERO) as the employer will get several benefits as stated in the summary as follows:

  • Employers will get independent, objective and professional advice/opinions in the property analysis market that can be used to explore the highest and best potential of each of these lands.
  • Employers can rely on the expertise of PT. JULIZAR KONSULTAN INDONESIA in the property market through an extensive network in the property business.
  • The Employer will dedicate an experienced and highly motivated team to carry out HBU work in accordance with the agreed scope of work.