Highest and Best Use Jl. Sindoro Banyuwangi City

The purpose and objective of this Highest and Best Use study is to find the highest and best utilization optimization based on the Highest and Best Use principle of the Employer’s idle land. With this highest and best use study, it is hoped that:

  1. Can find out the most optimal development option on land belonging to the Benoa Regional Employer, namely land located on Jalan Sindoro no.3, Singotrunan, Banyuwangi District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province, with a land area of 1,135 m2 ;
  2. Knowing the pattern of cooperation that is most beneficial for the development of the assets of the Employer (Persero) at that location.
  1. Knowing the estimated investment value and financial returns (return) from the cooperation in developing the Employer’s assets at that location.