Praise be to Allah SWT who has made it easy for us in all our affairs and work so that we were given the opportunity by the assignor to make a study of the highest and best utilization of some abandoned assets in several regions in Indonesia. Shalawat and greetings may be bestowed upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW whom we look forward to for intercession in the hereafter.
Our gratitude to Allah SWT for the abundance of His healthy blessings, both physically and spiritually, so that we can carry out the work entrusted to PT. JULIZAR KONSULTAN INDONESIA as the exclusive consultant to work on the HBU work.
As experienced property consultants, we will try our best to provide the best and complete the work according to the time specified so that the results of the HBU study can be immediately implemented by the employer.
Finally, we would like to thank all parties involved, directly or indirectly, for completing this work as well as possible.