Highest and Best Use Study – Office Tower Karawang

Highest and Best Use Study – Office Tower Karawang, West Java.

Analysis of Physical Characteristics

Judging from the slope of the land, the project location on Jl. International Karawang Barat , has a high altitude lower than road surface. Survey results indicates the location of the land does not have direct access to the main road but is a little detour from the first roundabout after exiting the toll road from Jakarta.

Tread Shape

The tread form of the project site is a square tread form. Basically the shape of the land is square has the advantage because the highest value of land lies in the optimal efficiency of land use, so that for this project site it can reach the optimal point in its utilization .

The area of land or land assets to be developed for development is 3.000 m2 _ in accordance with the information submitted by PT Building Employers , tbk on September 8, 2020 through a direct interview in Karawang and the Employer’s Whatsapps note . Seandcan’t it current utilization is vacant land. area Tamansari Mahogany has obtaining IMB approval No: //45/IMB/I/BPMPT/2015 dated 21 January 2015 for a business park with the classification of an ordinary high-rise permanent building.