Highest and Best Use Study aims to determine the best alternative land use on land located on Jalan Daan Mogot Rd No.KM. 21, RT.002/RW.003, Poris Plawad, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Banten 15119 with an area of 160.900 m2.
Praise to God Almighty who has made it easy for us in all our work so that we were given the opportunity by PT POLYCHEM to make a study of the Highest and Best Use (HBU). As consultants, we will do our best to provide the best effort according to the time specified so that the results of this HBU study can be immediately implemented by the employer.
The rate of population growth and the increasing level of the economy in big cities such as Tangerang City, attracts people to live and set up businesses in this city. This is contrary to the availability of land which is increasingly limited. The existing land is expected to be utilized optimally.
There are many properties that have been established on land that are no longer used by their owners for various reasons. One of the reasons is that the business established on the property is less profitable as expected. This happened because the property was built without using an analysis of optimum land use and utilization. It is proper that the property to be built on the land of an area can provide maximum and efficient benefits so that the results can be felt for the development of the area. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the most possible and allowable use of a vacant lot or land that has been developed, where it is physically possible, supported or justified by regulation, is financially feasible and gains the highest value.